Inscription 21152732
- id
- f0261d38d899390864b3f925a4bf3b6222282e85336090401dc20b7f01b4197fi225
- metadata
- title
- Flappy Chikun
- author
- Litecoin Labs
- description
- Recursive of the first Ordinal Games Made by Litecoin Labs.
- address
- ltc1qaq8m0uw8k6ukrs8ytkkedmpd4w2fxa0edrre23
- value
- 10000
- preview
- link
- content
- link
- content length
- 382 bytes
- content type
- text/html;charset=utf-8
- timestamp
- height
- 2637645
- fee
- 334
- reveal transaction
- f0261d38d899390864b3f925a4bf3b6222282e85336090401dc20b7f01b4197f
- location
- f0261d38d899390864b3f925a4bf3b6222282e85336090401dc20b7f01b4197f:225:0
- output
- f0261d38d899390864b3f925a4bf3b6222282e85336090401dc20b7f01b4197f:225
- offset
- 0
- ethereum teleburn address
- 0xC8EF671517c83971994058B8BcE088051528050E